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Missing Year 2000 Souvenir Pages
The Souvenir Page program has been advertised from the start as a subscription program in which you will receive a first-day-cancelled Page for every United States stamp.

In the year 2000, stamps were issued to commemorate US Navy Submarines, Space Achievement and Exploration, Moon Landing, Escaping the Gravity of Earth, Probing the Vastness of Space, and Exploring the Solar System. The USPS made a decision at that time and declined to create Souvenir Pages for these stamps and souvenir sheets because they did not want to affix one "philatelic product" (a Prestige Booklet or a Souvenir Sheet) to another "philatelic product" (a Souvenir Page or Commemorative Panel). This decision has since been reversed; the 2003 Old Glory Prestige Booklet stamps were included on both a Cancellation Page and a Commemorative Panel.

These are the only US postage stamps for which a Souvenir Page was not created since the beginning of the Souvenir Page program in 1972. They are also the only US commemorative stamps for which a Commemorative Panel was not created since the beginning of the Commemorative Panel program in 1972.

Jim Canon of Canon Postal Heritage created the facsimile "Souvenir Pages" shown below to fill the void that now exists in each of our collections. Note that the stamps, sheets and cancellations are facsimiles, not the actual stamps. By the time collectors were advised that these Souvenir Pages were not being made, the deadline to create private Philatelic Pages and have the actual stamps affixed and canceled had already passed.

These pages are no longer available from the ASPPP.  Contact Canon Postal Heritage at

(click on any page to view an enlarged image)

International Space Station - Escaping the Gravity of Earth