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Buy-Sell-Trade Ads
ASPPP Members can place free ads on the ASPPP web site. Ads placed in the quarterly Page and Panel Journal will be included on the web, if desired. Ads for all philatelic pages and philatelic panels are acceptable. Ads for other USPS philatelic items, such as official USPS Mint Year Sets and Ceremony Programs, and multiple ads in a single month will be posted at the discretion of the webmaster. We will not accept ads for mint or used stamps or first day covers. Email ads to Ads will be removed automatically after three months (unless resubmitted to the webmaster) or when we are advised that the items have been sold.

Souvenir Pages - Stamp Posters - Private Philatelic Pages
Wanted: Porter Philatelic Pages #6 Lawrence & Elmer Sperry & Alfred Verville,  #9 Horses, #10 Letters, #11 William Jennings Bryan ($2), #12 John Harvard, #15 Delaware Statehood, #19 Georgia Statehood. Contact: ASPPP Member 200. (re-posted 03/13/2023)
Wanted any Souvenir Page that is a true EFO Page. Send photocopy to Bruce Menia, 136 Willow Street Guilderland, New York 12084 with asking price. Paying top dollar! Need for presentation on EFOs. ASPPP Member 2134L.
(re-posted 03/13/2023)

Commemorative Panels

Other USPS Products

Worldwide Stamp Announcements - New Issue Posters
Looking for information on and examples of worldwide counterparts to US Souvenir Pages and Commemorative Panels for this website and our Page and Panel Journal. Ron Walenciak, ASPPP Journal Editor, email
(re-posted 07/21/2023)